The Frail World is a special temporary game server the access to which opens for a limited time. Special messages on the world map will notify you of the opening access to the Frail World. You can get there through the Gate Between Worlds location.
When you transition to the Frail World, you create a new temporary character. The server's game balance is designed for fast development and active competition between players in the global Frail World Tournament.
One of the Frail World's key differences from the regular servers is the presence of a unique resource Ymir's Flesh - a magical essence of the mythical giant Ymir, from whose parts the words were created. You can obtain Ymir's Flesh in deposits and chests in various locations.
The trader in the Gate Between Worlds location sells special extractors you can install in your home camp to turn Ymir's Flesh into Ymir's Spirit - that essence is very important for strengthening the fabric of the worlds. It will prevent the worlds from plunging into total chaos - that is exactly what the sinister mistress of the dead Hel is trying to do.
The more Ymir's Spirit you obtain, the higher your position in the Frail World Tournament will be. Also, you can use Ymir's Spirit as somewhat of a currency for buying certain valuable items in the Gate Between Worlds location (both in the Frail World and on your main server).
You can give excess Ymir's Flesh to the shaman in the Gate Between Worlds location in exchange for prizes.
Unique rewards of the Frail World - such as cosmetic items, new classes, magical charms, tournament chests with prizes, etc. - will be transferred to your main account. Thus, playing on the temporary server will allow you to not only have some new experiences but also develop your main character.
Also, you will be receiving special Ymir's Coins for making purchases in the Frail World's in-game store for real money.
Ymir's Coins are automatically credited to the character on the main account. You can spend them at the trader's in the Gate Between Worlds location on your main server.
Frail World
Last Updated: 114d