It didn't take long to conquer the laboratory; you can already start descending into the dark depths of the research complex in the port! The previous season, however, has just ended, so, please, don’t expect to have new Premium and new tasks so soon. 

So, you cleared the lab in Season 14 (players who missed the season, however, will still have to fight the threat ingrained on the 1st floor of the lab), but you ran into a non-working elevator. This is no longer an obstacle! Next to the laboratory, you can now charge the bioreactor, in order to do this, you’ll need various plants and mushrooms. As soon as you charge one cell, the elevator will start working.

It will take you down two new floors. The main action in the update will unfold on the second floor, where you’ll first see a central hall with a terminal and entrances to four sectors: A1, A2, B1 and B2. You always start from sector A1, you just need to go to the terminal nearby. You choose a random positive perk from those offered by the game via terminal, and you also get a modifier that complicates the laboratory or make zombies there stronger. After going to the end of sector A1, you will find yourself at the entrance to sector A2 and near the new terminal, where you’ll receive two more modifiers. Dead (completely dead) zombies will drop new cards, the required amount of those will help you open a locker on the first floor of the laboratory and receive a reward, among which there may even be some new weapons!

There is also a third floor in the laboratory, on which you will first need to repair the trolley, required resources can be obtained on the previous, second floor.
v. 1.18.3: The Laboratory is expanding!
Genesis staff has regained access to new sectors of the laboratory, most experienced and fearless survivors now have something to prepare for! On the first floor, it became possible to clear more blockages. Doing so, you will not only learn a little more about the institution itself, but you’ll also find a couple of new terminals and devices. Eva has now settled in one of the rooms on the same level. And she’ll offer new rewards for increasing the laboratory's reputation.

How do you get these new rewards? The lab now has a hardcore mode protocol, very much like Bunker Alpha. And the whole process itself is the same as in this bunker. In hardcore mode, zombies will drop special resources, in exchange for which (using the device next to Eva) you will receive reputation. But to access this mode, you first need to go through all the sectors of the laboratory at least once, both the familiar A1 and A2, and the new B1 and B2. And we haven't forgotten about additional lockers with awards either! The sectors are cleared in the same way as before, but the bioreactor must now be recharged every time before entering each new sector.

In hardcore mode (and not only there), you’ll meet new, armored zombies. The health bar of such enemies is in an orange frame and marked with an icon with shield and skull. To deal with these zombies, you’ll need a new and, which is logical, armor-piercing weapon. These guns can be found in the sectors of the laboratory (even in normal mode), in the chests that you get using the crane in the port, and they can also be obtained as a reward for increasing the reputation of the lab. 

In addition to the new mode, new sectors, weapons and enemies (and a new storage for your items near the laboratory), the system of perks and (anti-)threats will now also be expanded. But to access the right terminal, you first need to clear sector B2 at least once. You can read more about this system in a separate article